Part Codes Screen

Use this screen to add or edit part code entries. All fields in this screen can be edited.

Description of fields on the screen

Field Label Description
Code This is a unique code that you assign to a part. Enter the code of your choice. To change the code, highlight it, and then enter the revised code. This field is mandatory.
Description The text you enter in this field is displayed in the estimate line item. This field is mandatory.
Claim Type Select a claim type from this droplist. The default is Vehicle. When you select a claim type, this entry is available only for the type of claim in the workfile. Valid values include Bus, Emergency, Heavy Equipment, Heavy Truck, Motorcycle, Other, Recreational Vehicles & Campers, Sport/Off Road, Structural, Trailer, Vehicle, and Watercraft.
Operation Select the operation from this droplist that you want to assign to the part. Valid values include blank,Replace, Repair, Refinish, Section, R&I, Align, Sublet, and Blend.
Part Type Select the type of part from this droplist. Valid values include OEM, Aftermarket, Reconditioned, Recycled, Opt OEM, Recored, and Tire.
Price $ Enter the part price in this field. The value entered here is displayed in the estimate lines when the part code is selected.
Price Category This is the part charge category. You have access to this field if the Operation you selected is Replace, Section, blank, or Sublet. Valid values in the droplist include Standard, Miscellaneous Taxed, and Miscellaneous Non-Taxed.
Labor Enter the numeric non-refinish labor hour values that you want to assign to the part. This field is accessible if the Operation is Replace, R&I, Section, or blank.
Labor Category This is the labor category for the part and its operation. You must select a predefined Labor Category from this droplist. Valid values include Body, Mechanical, Refinish, Frame, Structural, Glass, Diagnostic, Electrical, User Defined 1, User Defined 2, User Defined 3, and User Defined 4.
Paint Enter the numeric refinish labor hours in this field that you want to assign to the part. This field is accessible if the Operation is Replace, R&I, Section, or blank.
Group Select the part group that you want to assign to the part from this droplist.
OK Select this option to save the entry and close the screen.
Cancel Select this option to close the screen without saving.

See Also

Adding a Part Codes Entry







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